How To Eradicate Of Cat Fleas?- By: Sam Laist

Description : Your cat probably have fleas if it seems itchy most of the time and you may find tiny black bugs jumping from the cat from time to time as well. Even though outdoor cats are much more sure to get fleas, an indoor only cat is susceptible as well.

If you do believe your cat has fleas, a perfect remedy for them is Advantage for Cats. You need to dispose of the fleas immediately, because they will spread to your entire place. They can likewise give your cat tapeworms.

Advantage is both a flea prevention treatment as well as a flea-killer. It will destroy the adult fleas, together with any larva and unhatched eggs.

There are various kinds of Advantage for cats of different ages and weights. Be sure you buy the suitable one for your cat so that the dosage is right.

You must apply this once every month to prevent reinfestitation. It is applied topically, therefore no worries about trying to give kitty a pill! It kills fleas for 12 hours and also stops new fleas from returning for 4 weeks.

If your cat is covered severely that you do not like to touch him, then wear gloves and bathe him with Dawn soap. This will clear off most of the fleas, which makes it easier to apply the treatment.

Note: If your cat is a young kitten, then you should bathe him in Dawn and treat him straight away. Since fleas feed on cat's blood, they can result in anemia or even death in younger kittens.

If you have had fleas in your home, you will want to wash everything, much like if someone in your home had head lice. You will also wish to regularly vacuum for a few weeks after. This will help your home stay clear of fleas.

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Author Resource : Want to know more about Advantage for Cats?